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What I Am Thankful For

The things that I am thankful for are my parents, my family, food, and my friends. My parents provide me food and shelter, and I am thankful for that. I am also thankful for my siblings and friends because life would be boring without them!

I am also thankful for the food I eat and the water I drink. Pizza is one of my favorite foods, and my favorite kind of pizza is classic pepperoni.

I am thankful to my mom because she cares for me. I am also thankful for my dad because he takes care of me by being the main provider in our family. Other family members who mean a lot to me are my siblings and my grandpa. I am especially thankful for my sister Irina. She and I talk at home. I am thankful for my grandpa because he teaches me about the Bible.

I am thankful for friends like Cruz, Daniel M., and too many others to name. When we get together, we like to hang out at home and talk and play video games like Fortnite. At school, my friends and I talk and share inside jokes. Because of my friends, I'm not bored at school!

The things that make me happy are simple and are almost always about the people in my life.

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