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Money and Happiness

What can money really buy, and what is happiness? Each and every one of us will have a different answer.

I overheard a conversation of two guys talking about money. I heard them say how money can buy everything like girls and happiness. Hearing this made me realize and see things from the perspective of these boys, and it got me thinking, can money really buy happiness?

You can buy things that might make you happy, but you can never buy happiness itself. I honestly feel like people that think that money buys happiness have never experienced real happiness, and I’m not saying the happiness you feel when you get a new phone or a dirt bike. I’m talking real and honest happiness you feel when you are around loved ones… when you know you are important and loved, when you are a part of a family and around people that are willing to die for you, and when you finally realize how lucky you are to have a roof above you, food to eat, and are able to wake up each morning seeing the sun shine through your window and know that you are still alive.

There are people just like you starving to death. There are people that spend cold rainy nights sleeping on nothing but the hard muddy floor. There are homeless people everywhere asking for food and money. There is a story behind all of them that we are not willing to know. We think that it’s easier to just walk by and judge them thinking that they are just lazy and don’t want to work. I don’t think this is something that brings them happiness. There are just so much people that have no way out and are in so much trouble that they would do anything just to able to get a piece of bread or a dollar.

It is said that giving away always makes a person happier than receiving. This is something you might want to think about and consider.

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CA 95838


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